Professional development
What matters in safeguarding is not the tick-box completion of training, but a learning journey that results in behaviour change making people safer. My training and development opportunities will support you to ensure that safeguarding development and culture change is embedded and nurtured.

Safeguarding training
We can provide bespoke training focussing on the development of particular areas of your safeguarding culture, designed to suit you.
Please do get in touch to discuss what your organisation needs.
Do you want to develop as a leader of safeguarding? We offer a series of coaching sessions to help you improve your practice and therefore better lead safeguarding in your organisation.
We deliver initial and update DSL training to ensure that you are trained to a sufficient level and are able to lead safeguarding effectively and confidently. This training is also recommended for governors or safeguarding trustees. Training is differentiated between education settings and other organisations such as charities or sports clubs.
Safeguarding classes
We provide a free introductory Starter Classes so that you can get ahead of the curve and better your understanding. This can help you to decide whether attending a Master Class is what you or your organisation needs.
Our Master Classes go into significantly greater depth, drawing on case studies to support learning that really does apply to practice. The use of case studies means that you and your staff are more likely to remember and use what you have learnt.
Starter and Master Classes are available across the following areas:
- Creating a Safeguarding Culture
- Safeguarding in the Classroom
- Trauma informed/shame sensitive safeguarding
- Annual safeguarding training
- Reflective Supervision

Starter class recordings
See Debbie delivering starter classes in the videos below. more videos will be made available on the Youtube channel and here on this site in the future.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions.

Upcoming master class dates
All masterclasses take place via zoom – please do get in touch if you would like bespoke training in any of these areas in person.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions.
Please contact usif you would like to attend training in how to conduct Reflective Supervision.
Please contact usif you wish to update your DSL training

Executive Head & Head of Inclusion
Multi-Academy Trust
Featured resources
We offer a variety of resources including a policy bank and a school safeguarding audit.
These and more can be found on my resources page. Below is a selection of introductory guides, written to get you started on these topics.

Introduction to trauma informed/shame sensitive practice

Levels of Child Protection (1989 Children Act)